
I will never forget my first funeral. I had just arrived in a far off community to serve as an intern pastor of a large church. No sooner had I arrived than the senior pastor who was to be my mentor left on a trip and two days later there was a death. Fortunately the woman who died was a long time member of the church, 96 years of age, and had lived a full and productive life, so it wasn’t the most difficult funeral to conduct but it still felt like trial by fire.

I learned something that day. I discovered that I liked conducting funeral services, there was something very meaningful and rewarding about serving people at their time of loss. Over the years people have told me that I have a gift for conducting funeral services and for delivering funeral meditations. I can’t say whether that is true or not but what I do know is true is that the funeral services have given me a great opportunity to touch the lives of church people and  people from the larger community in a loving way at a time when they are in need of comfort and have an openness to consider what is most meaningful and lasting in life.

This website is intended to be a resource of ideas and materials to create services and sermons that touch the lives of people with the love of God.

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